Thursday, December 6, 2007

Other's Incompetence Is Your Ticket to The Top

It's a cut-throat world out there and there seem to be no signs that things will be getting any easier. We live in a society that loves competition. Whether it be sports, a friendly game of Scrabble, or one's career field, one had better be prepared to face some fierce opposition. It will take a lot of preparation and hard work to get what one wants in life.

However, there is hope for those of you who don't quite want to put in all that much effort. The fact is, much of the world is incompetent. With minimal preparation and hard work, one can get through life fairly well simply by profiting where others fall short. Sure, this might not guarantee a corner office, but by simply not being stupid, one can prevent finding themselves homeless. It's may be a cut-throat world out there, but it's also quite definitely a glass-half-full world.

Blogging About Blogging, How Existential

Brandon sat alone in the mass media computer lab, pounding away at the keyboard in vain hopes of creating a literary master for the web. He was almost half way through an entry when another student entered the lab. As the student, who will be refered to as Paddywhack in interest of concealing his identity, took a seat he turned to Brandon and inquired as to the nature of his work.

"What are you up to?"
"Typing a blog post."
"Pshha. Blogs are stupid. They're just another way for self centered people to draw attention to themselves."
"Well, I have to do this one for feature writing. We have to follow journalistic standards, write in third person and use AP style."
"Blogs are stupid."
"No comment."

Brandon finished his entry, admired his masterwork, and published it.


Finals season isn't the only thing upon us. Winter is making itself known in quite a resounding way. In a cruel twist, Tuesday's unseasonably warm 70 degrees have given way to subfreezing temperatures, sleet and snow.

It's as if the weather is reflecting the lives of students. Clouds have cast a melancholy malaise over Washburn University, leaving students feeling cold, wet, alone and in despair. In reality, they may really be sitting in the library perfectly dry, though no one is ever warm in Mabee.

All are looking forward to the end of finals. Regardless of the weather, Friday hold nothing but warmth and sunshine for college students.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The End Is Nigh

All of the symptoms of finals season are present. Panic has set in, students are furiously reading their textbooks for the first time since Fall Break. Even a physical aversion to paper writing has afflicted some.

Coursework is ruining the college experience. Good thing most students have been avoiding it all semester.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Dirty Window

In the latter years of my Grandfather’s life, rather than go to a nursing home, he was blessed with in home help, including in home care and a couple of cleaning ladies.

The title of cleaning lady was only a formality, seeing as how there is no title for two women that come to an old man’s home weekly for two hours and do virtually nothing. They normally stayed for two hours, during which they vacuumed, did a few other modest house chores, and enjoyed an hour-long coffee break. Perhaps scam artist would be most descriptive.
However, there was no getting rid of them. Despite the fact that they cleaned nothing above or below their field of vision, they were part of Grandpa’s routine. He knew that they were good for nothing, but they had been coming since before my Grandmother passed away he really didn’t like change.

Betty, on the other hand, actually took pride in her work and would regularly dust, scrub and shine anything the “cleaning ladies” refused to touch.

On one particular week when I was visiting Grandpa, Betty became disgusted by the state of the large picture window in the living room. Betty went out in the back yard with a bottle of glass cleaner and a roll of paper towels and didn’t come back until both panes of glass had been scrubbed and the cobwebs cleared from between. The window shined like it hadn’t in months.

When the cleaning ladies came in, they looked at the immaculately cleaned picture window and expressed with mock disappointment “Oh, we were going to clean the window today, but looks like it has already been cleaned.

Without missing a beat, Grandpa replied with the boldest of lies.

“Oh, a bird came and shit all over the window and Betty couldn’t stand it so she went out and cleaned the window,” said Grandpa.

The two women accepted the explanation, not taking so much as a second to question how this talented bird prompted Betty to clean between the two panes of glass.

I listened from the next room in awe; biting my tongue to keep from laughing. At 92-years of age, my Grandfather could lie with the best of them.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Get A Grip

At every team sporting event, there is always the same overall outcome. One team experiences the euphoria of victory while the other experiences the proverbial agony of defeat. Whether due to their own short comings, the overwhelming talent of their opponent, or both, the losing team cannot escape the feeling that they should have done better. After all, they were responsible for their own fate in this matter. However, one must take a moment to consider the fans.

It can be observed at the end of every season, regardless of the sport or the league, collegiate or professional. The disappointed fan. Having followed the team all season, from the preseason to the quickly approaching championship, hoping desperately for their team to be named the best. Sadly, all was for not. The emotional payoff they were gambling on did not come.

Cheering for ones favorite team can be great fun, as long as one approaches it rationally the age old saying, "it's just a game." Those four words can garner violent reactions from some, but really, it's foolish to treat is as anything more. Humans are imperfect and fallible. These sports fans are placing their faith and happiness in the hands of these fallible creatures. They should stopping risking so much on something that means to little in the end.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Evils of Youtube

Enter one keyword into the Youtube search engine and you're off. Perhaps it's your favorite band, an actor or a comedian. Either way, you're sure to find numerous videos you never knew existed, or never dreamed you would see.

Their 1992 appearance on a late night talk show? Can't miss that. Rare footage from a performance at a state fair in the late eighties? It's like you've hit the jackpot.

Soon you'll get greedy and want to view every video possible. Before you know it several hours have passed, your butt has fallen asleep and you have nothing to show for your day. Youtube makes television seem quite innocuous.