Thursday, December 6, 2007


Finals season isn't the only thing upon us. Winter is making itself known in quite a resounding way. In a cruel twist, Tuesday's unseasonably warm 70 degrees have given way to subfreezing temperatures, sleet and snow.

It's as if the weather is reflecting the lives of students. Clouds have cast a melancholy malaise over Washburn University, leaving students feeling cold, wet, alone and in despair. In reality, they may really be sitting in the library perfectly dry, though no one is ever warm in Mabee.

All are looking forward to the end of finals. Regardless of the weather, Friday hold nothing but warmth and sunshine for college students.


Josh Nicolay said...

Nice allusion comparing winter to the finals week mentality.

I love the wintertime, but I can relate to what you're talking about.

Danielle said...

Nice post! It's all so true. Very nice word choice in this post.