Thursday, December 6, 2007

Other's Incompetence Is Your Ticket to The Top

It's a cut-throat world out there and there seem to be no signs that things will be getting any easier. We live in a society that loves competition. Whether it be sports, a friendly game of Scrabble, or one's career field, one had better be prepared to face some fierce opposition. It will take a lot of preparation and hard work to get what one wants in life.

However, there is hope for those of you who don't quite want to put in all that much effort. The fact is, much of the world is incompetent. With minimal preparation and hard work, one can get through life fairly well simply by profiting where others fall short. Sure, this might not guarantee a corner office, but by simply not being stupid, one can prevent finding themselves homeless. It's may be a cut-throat world out there, but it's also quite definitely a glass-half-full world.


Caleb said...

I agree. The real world is very competitive and that kind of blows. But coasting by sometimes gets old. That is when I play the lottery.

Faith said...

You're right. Some of us will soon find out how competitive the world is when we graduate!

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