Thursday, December 6, 2007

Blogging About Blogging, How Existential

Brandon sat alone in the mass media computer lab, pounding away at the keyboard in vain hopes of creating a literary master for the web. He was almost half way through an entry when another student entered the lab. As the student, who will be refered to as Paddywhack in interest of concealing his identity, took a seat he turned to Brandon and inquired as to the nature of his work.

"What are you up to?"
"Typing a blog post."
"Pshha. Blogs are stupid. They're just another way for self centered people to draw attention to themselves."
"Well, I have to do this one for feature writing. We have to follow journalistic standards, write in third person and use AP style."
"Blogs are stupid."
"No comment."

Brandon finished his entry, admired his masterwork, and published it.

1 comment:

Caleb said...

I've almost had to use this concept in a couple of stories. Adaptation is a profound process.