Sunday, November 25, 2007

Get A Grip

At every team sporting event, there is always the same overall outcome. One team experiences the euphoria of victory while the other experiences the proverbial agony of defeat. Whether due to their own short comings, the overwhelming talent of their opponent, or both, the losing team cannot escape the feeling that they should have done better. After all, they were responsible for their own fate in this matter. However, one must take a moment to consider the fans.

It can be observed at the end of every season, regardless of the sport or the league, collegiate or professional. The disappointed fan. Having followed the team all season, from the preseason to the quickly approaching championship, hoping desperately for their team to be named the best. Sadly, all was for not. The emotional payoff they were gambling on did not come.

Cheering for ones favorite team can be great fun, as long as one approaches it rationally the age old saying, "it's just a game." Those four words can garner violent reactions from some, but really, it's foolish to treat is as anything more. Humans are imperfect and fallible. These sports fans are placing their faith and happiness in the hands of these fallible creatures. They should stopping risking so much on something that means to little in the end.

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