Thursday, September 20, 2007

Decisions, decisions

Difficult decisions are a part of everyday life. Some require careful consideration due to the impact on the decision maker's life. "Should I ask her to marry me?" While others are quite trivial. "Soft taco or crunchy taco?" Others decisions can leave a person in such disaray that they start cursing the heavens in frustration. Such is the case with the new line of Apple iPods.

Apple recently unveiled the latest updates to the popular line of music player to much media fanfare. Among the new line are the iPod Nano with a larger screen and video capabilities, the iPod Classic with more hard drive space than most would know what to do with, and the iPod Touch with a large touch screen interface and internet browsing capabilities.

For someone looking to purchase one of these new iPods, it looks like a simple decision on the surface, until one take the price into consideration. An 8-Gigabyte iPod Nano can be purchase for $200. That seems like a good deal for an unbelievably small device that can play music and videos, until you look at the iPod Classic. The slightly bulkier 80-Gigabyte iPod Classic can be purchased for $250, a $50 dollar difference. Wow, seems like a great deal. Oh, but look at the iPod Touch. The iPod Touch can be purchased for $300, yet again, a $50 difference. Keep in mind, the $300 iPod touch only holds 8-Gigabytes.

It all comes down to minimizing buyers remorse. Storage, capabilities and price. With so many factors to take into consideration, one might just give up and never purchase an iPod at all.

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