Friday, August 31, 2007

Needed: Common Sense

Few people enjoy unwanted sexual advances, so it is of little surprise that conservative political commentator Tucker Carlson was not too keen on being grabbed in a public restroom.

Carlson, the host of MSNBC's Tucker, recently sparked some controversy over comments he made on MSNBC Live with Dan Abrams. During a discussion of Senator Larry Craig's recent confession to unsavory activities in a public restroom, Carlson recounted being bothered in a public restroom as a teenage.

According to Carlson, while still high school, a man grabbed him in a public restroom. Carlson ran away and returned 25-minutes later with a friend only to find the man still there. Carlson and his friend proceeded to seize the man and "hit him against the stall with his head." The pair then held the man until a security guard arrived.

Carlson's account of the incident has drawn fire from media watchdog group Media Matters for America as well as gay rights organizations such as The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) and the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), both of which are demanding that Carlson issue and apology. Bloggers have done their best to label Carlson as a gay basher.

While violence is never recommended in a situation such as this, one can hardly call this a gay bashing. Regardless of one's position on homosexuality, all rational people must agree that calling Carlson's actions a gay bashing devalues the experience of all non-predators who have been victims of violence because of their sexuality.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

First Post

According to blog search engine Technorati, there are more than 71 million weblogs in existance. Here's one more the heap.

Despite the overwhelming number of blogs, I can't help but feeling important knowing that people are actually going to read mine and care about what I have to say. Then again, I might be grossly overestimating my readership. Oh well.

Watch this page in the coming days and weeks for mind blowing works of literature from yours truly, a blogger with the nerve to give his blog a grammatically incorrect title.